Back to Basics
January 5, 2021
It’s important to start the new year by not losing sight of some of the key network performance indicators JitterWorks has written about in the past. The most obvious place to begin is, well, at the beginning.
“In the coming weeks and months, we will discuss, in detail, what we identify as the four cornerstones to effective and proactive network performance monitoring. Better known around our office as LOTUS.” – July 22, 2019
“In a nutshell, (L)atency is the delay between the time you request the download or upload of data and the time you actually receive or send the data. Latency is measured in milliseconds (ms). The lower the number the better.” – July 25, 2019
JitterWorks Services for both home and business will send an alert the moment you experience a network (O)utage.
“It may be natural to think ‘won’t we know when the network goes down?’ But what happens when the network goes down before anyone is in the office? When it goes down at 8am and you don’t know it until you get in for an important 9am Internet phone (VoIP) call. Or a team video conference with a client.” – August 12, 2019
“…Internet Service Providers sell you on their services based on how much bandwidth they can provide.”
“However, there is a disconnect between the maximum amount of bandwidth an ISP can provide and the actual bandwidth – or (T)hroughput – your network is capable of providing.” – August 19, 2019
“When a Network Performance Monitor (like the JitterHub) is connected to a network that has a managed device attached (it doesn’t have to be a switch, it could be a firewall or any number of other devices) it has the ability to track and trend bandwidth (U)tilization.” – September 9, 2019
All the key network performance indicators we’ve discussed play a hand in your network’s overall performance.
“True network (S)peed – much like the long running television show Friends – requires an ensemble cast to be successful.” – September 2, 2019
This blog serves as a brief review of the LOTUS elements. For more information please refer to the links above to past blogs where we discuss the importance of tracking and trending these key network performance metrics in detail.
As always, if you think your home or business can benefit from a network performance monitoring system, click here to contact JitterWorks.
Technology This Week
January 3, 1982 - Time Magazine named the computer as its Man of the Year - now called Person of the Year - and temporarily labeled its winner Machine of the Year. They said about their human nominees “...none symbolized the past year more richly, or will be viewed by history as more significant…”