
The JitterHub NPM is a self-contained network performance monitor that:

  • Monitors, analyzes and records key metrics used to determine network performance.
  • Collects key network performance indicators and provides proactive and immediate notification of current problems and potential issues.


You are notified as soon as the JitterHub NPM detects a possible problem with your network.

  • You receive timely notification of network issues, immediate analysis of the problem and an explanation of the steps necessary to resolve the issue.

We have the ability to track and measure data throughput, latency and jitter to give you the information necessary to make critical bandwidth decisions.

  • Knowledge of your company’s bandwidth utilization, throughput and latency is critical to your success. 

Other benefits to making the JitterHub part of your network management strategy:

  • With the JitterHub, you don’t need to be a network administrator to monitor the performance of your network.
  • Proactive email alerts and access to easy to understand graphs will allow you to address small problems before they become big problems.

Bandwidth refers to the maximum speed at which your internet service is able to transfer data to and from your network. Bandwidth is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). The higher the number, the better.

Latency is the delay between the time you request the download or upload of data and the time you actually receive or send the data. Latency is measured in milliseconds (ms). The lower the number the better.

Throughput refers to the actual speed at which your internet service transfers data to and from your network. Throughput is also measured in Mbps. The higher the number the better. In this case, you are looking for a number that is close to the bandwidth your ISP has committed to provide.

Advanced Features:

The JitterHub NPM is a simple but powerful network monitoring tool with:

  • The ability to have a device on site, behind a firewall that can be securely accessed without opening inbound firewall ports.
  • The ability to monitor multiple remote sites from a central server.
  • The flexibility to run off the shelf, custom and proprietary applications on the JitterHub.
  • A small footprint, low power consumption, easily deploy-able (connect to the network, power on, access remotely over secure connection).
A JitterWorks presentation that explains the importance of having a network performance monitoring system like the JitterHub Network Performance Monitor (NPM) working for your company. Designed to Track and Trend key network performance metrics - latency and jitter, outages, throughput speeds and bandwidth utilization.

For more detailed information, click here to view the JitterWorks slide presentation.